Man of Steel 9 – Exiled from War

29/11/2017 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel 9 - Exiled from War

Greetings, Comrades! My voice’s not perfect already, but by jingo, we really need to get through World War One, so that we can finally do […]

Episode 71 – InTourist

31/10/2017 Curonian 2
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Episode 71 - InTourist

Greetings, Comrades! We bring you the latest episode of October, the one about InTourist, and the very weird experience of being a foreign tourist in […]

Man of Steel 7 – Sad Stalin, No Liberty

30/09/2017 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel 7 - Sad Stalin, No Liberty

Greetings, Comrades! Welcome to the one of the most depressive episodes I’ve ever made. Bonus points for you, if you caught the song reference in […]

Sovconomy 2 – There’s no money, but you guys, hold on!

14/09/2017 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Sovconomy 2 - There's no money, but you guys, hold on!

Greetings, Comrades! I got terribly ill – had tonsilitis in a heavy form. Basically, I was tormented with fever so I couldn’t script as well […]

Man of Steel – Stalin ’05

22/08/2017 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel - Stalin '05

Greetings, Comrades! This episode will be a bit dry. It’s mostly about lies…and actually, the differences between Social Democracy and Socialism, and how zealous people […]

Man of Steel, part 1 – Stalin 101

11/06/2017 Curonian 6
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel, part 1 - Stalin 101

Greetings, Comrades! In this episode, we discuss Stalin. ALL that is Stalin. Superman can take a rest…if he was real, and Stalin were the head […]

Red Dawn Finale – Lenin Eternal

31/05/2017 Curonian 2
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Red Dawn Finale - Lenin Eternal

Greetings, Comrades! Today is a special day – we bring you the final episode of the Red Dawn series, about Lenin’s death…and eternal life in […]

Extra: Super-Lysenko!

29/03/2017 Curonian 5
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Extra: Super-Lysenko!

Greetings, Comrades! Let’s strike a deal, you enjoy this episode now, and I make the Baltics independence one a great show? In all seriousness, that […]

Red Dawn 6 – Chaos Undivided

19/03/2017 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Red Dawn 6 - Chaos Undivided

Greetings, Comrades! Here we are, with the 6th part of our series on the Russian revolution. Creating this episode and explaining what was going on […]