Red Dawn Finale – Lenin Eternal

Greetings, Comrades!

Today is a special day – we bring you the final episode of the Red Dawn series, about Lenin’s death…and eternal life in mausoleum, people’s memory, anecdotes and culture. It…was amazing in the beginning, but turned out to be a laughing stock in the end. Next time, we’re moving to the Man of Steel – Stalin. But for now, remember: Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin – Eternally Alive! Enjoy, comrades! And…I actually apologize, because after ww2, it does get kinda boring for a while.

Today’s picture:

Red Square with the view on the Mausoleum, in 1931
Red Square with the view on the Mausoleum, in 1931
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Red Dawn Finale - Lenin Eternal
About Curonian 6 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.