Ukraine 2 – Mariupol and the front.

13/06/2019 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Ukraine 2 - Mariupol and the front.

Greetings, Comrades! This is the part two of our Ukraine series. And probably, one of the saddest, heaviest episodes that I’ve made. This is the […]

Refugees in Russia

31/05/2019 Curonian 2
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Refugees in Russia

Greetings, Comrades! Before going to Ukraine, I’m obviously doing research on what’s going on there, with Russia, giving out passports to Donetsk and Luhansk inhabitants…but […]

Previously on the Eastern Border

21/05/2019 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Previously on the Eastern Border

Greetings, Comrades! I went to Germany for this one. Europarliament elections are coming. They’re practically here even – so this time, we’re teaming up with […]

Back again and on the western border

29/03/2019 Curonian 4
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Back again and on the western border

Greetings, Comrades! I’m posting this from Vancouver, Canada. How crazy is that. And I spent a while in the US, and will be spending some […]

2018 in retrospect. Also, Belarus.

07/01/2019 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
2018 in retrospect. Also, Belarus.

Greetings, Comrades! We’re back from our vacation. Back with a vengeance, looking back and following up on all the news that happened last year, together […]

Special Report: The Boats in the Kerch

27/11/2018 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Special Report: The Boats in the Kerch

Greetings, Comrades! Once again, insanity happens. So, I bring to you the completely unedited (one take and not my good mic as am not home […]

The curious case of Aijo Beness

21/11/2018 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
The curious case of Aijo Beness

Greetings, Comrades! In this special episode, dedicated to the Latvian 100th anniversary, I’d like to tell you the adventures of the migthy (and utterly insane) […]

Interesting Times, Crimean edition.

21/10/2018 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Interesting Times, Crimean edition.

Greetings, Comrades! Sadly, the events that happen in these parts unfold so quickly, that I can’t really keep up with everything that I want to […]

EXTRA: You’ll laugh, of course, but the last election was fake too…

18/09/2018 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
EXTRA: You'll laugh, of course, but the last election was fake too...

Greetings, Comrades! This is a super-extra episode. Because I haven’t seen such weird things in ages, and it complements the last, full ep, nicely. For […]