Spy Boats 1: We don’t even get to the boats.

Greetings, Comrades!

Some episodes make me feel bad – but for various reasons. Some have awful subject matters, some…like this one, was created from a source so awful and incoherent – even though the subject matter is really interesting – that making a coherent narrative was just a massive pain in the backside. Oh, and we don’t even get to the boat itself. Because seriously, if I’d try to mix that one in as well, you’d probably get very confused at the end. But the groundwork needs to be set, and this is what we do here. Enjoy!

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Spy Boats 1: We don't even get to the boats.
About Curonian 6 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.