Prison culture 101


In this episode, I tried to make a basic overview of the post-Soviet prison culture, and how Putin relates to it and why you can’t really be an expert of Russia if you don’t understand it. It ended up being very long, chaotic and…well, I hope, entertaining. Cat decided to go utterly crazy today, and trying to compress a subject as deep and complex as this into a single episode also wasn’t optimal. But hey, this isn’t a news episode, this is just an in-between extra, so I don’t really feel that bad about it.

Also, links to my previous, more in-depth prison culture episodes.
Part 1 –

On apple podcasts, because the link on my homepage does not work, probably because of the cyberattacks the page experienced in 2020. Will try to get a homepage link working soon as well.

Part 2 –
Because again, I’m not sure if the homepage will work. I hadn’t realized how old these episodes actually were.

News coming out tomorrow. Happiness is mandatory!

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Prison culture 101
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.