Greetings, listeners!
This PDRP is important enough, to be included, I think. Hope you’ll like it. Regular episode on the 30th!
In today’s episode, we are joined by Stephanie Ellaine Hunt, leader of the Drinking Liberally New York section to talk about Trump election, to discuss “how it is” and make some sense about how to still stay friendly to each other in this partisan environment. Also, we discuss race issues, women’s issues, LGBT rights and why, exactly, are minorities and these aforementioned groups afraid of Trump. And should Trump voters be afraid of Trump? Maybe there can be something good from this election? Who knows. In the next episode, which shall be released soon, we’ll be talking with Ben. That one was recorded before election – but it will be interesting to listen to that, after both election and after this episode. Enjoy. Also, music was taken from a royalty-free site, and it’s Actionable by talented Ben Sound.