Mat. In all of its glory.

26/04/2019 Curonian 2
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Mat. In all of its glory.

Greetings, Comrades! This episode is about the Russian swearword culture – and why it matters, how it formed the society and why is it so […]


17/04/2019 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border

Greetings, Comrades! This is a special episode, so we’re using our early logo for this one even. Russia’s Gosduma just passed a law, that would […]

Back again and on the western border

29/03/2019 Curonian 4
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Back again and on the western border

Greetings, Comrades! I’m posting this from Vancouver, Canada. How crazy is that. And I spent a while in the US, and will be spending some […]

Pokazuha & Kadyrov

31/01/2019 Curonian 2
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Pokazuha & Kadyrov

Geetings, Comrades! This time, we bring you a special. A very important special, as we’re trying to offend the most dangerous man in Russia here, […]

2018 in retrospect. Also, Belarus.

07/01/2019 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
2018 in retrospect. Also, Belarus.

Greetings, Comrades! We’re back from our vacation. Back with a vengeance, looking back and following up on all the news that happened last year, together […]

Special Report: The Boats in the Kerch

27/11/2018 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Special Report: The Boats in the Kerch

Greetings, Comrades! Once again, insanity happens. So, I bring to you the completely unedited (one take and not my good mic as am not home […]

This was supposed to be news, but instead it’s the short history of the GRU

15/11/2018 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
This was supposed to be news, but instead it's the short history of the GRU

Greetings, Comrades! This was supposed to be a news episode, but instead I somehow did a whole thing about the GRU instead. It just came […]

Interesting Times, Crimean edition.

21/10/2018 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Interesting Times, Crimean edition.

Greetings, Comrades! Sadly, the events that happen in these parts unfold so quickly, that I can’t really keep up with everything that I want to […]

EXTRA: You’ll laugh, of course, but the last election was fake too…

18/09/2018 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
EXTRA: You'll laugh, of course, but the last election was fake too...

Greetings, Comrades! This is a super-extra episode. Because I haven’t seen such weird things in ages, and it complements the last, full ep, nicely. For […]