Red Dawn 5 – The dawn has come

Greetings, Comrades!

This is part 5 of our Red Dawn series – here, I talk about the events that commenced in October 1917, and how the whole insurrection happened. Because there was no second revolution. There was, however, a coup, beginning of a civil war and a bunch of decrees. This is when Lenin finally gets to put his theoretical ideas into practice. Enjoy! Oh, and also: for all of our Patreon subscribers, the next part of Anna Politkovskaya’s “Russian Diary” is also already waiting for you on our Pateron site!

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Red Dawn 5 - The dawn has come
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.