Extra – International Women’s Day. In space.

Greetings, Comrades!

This episode is dedicated to all the women podcasters out there! I wish all the best for you and for your shows!
In this, special episode, I and Our Dark Lady (being from our Dark Myths podcast collective) Matilda Clare Testoni from the Singing Bones podcast, discuss the International Women’s Day, Valentina Tereshkhova and how Eastern European women differ culturally and where all of this comes from. And how much of this is actually real and how Soviet government used it for their own political gains. I treated this subject with a lot of respect, because…well, you’ll hear on your own. I hope you’ll find this episode interesting.

Today’s picture is:

Soviet publicity photo of first female Cosmonaut - Valentina Tereshkhova.
Soviet publicity photo of first female Cosmonaut – Valentina Tereshkhova.

And, of course, give http://singingbonespodcast.com/ a try!

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Extra - International Women's Day. In space.
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.