Red Dawn 1 – Meet the Ulyanovs

Greetings, Comrades!

This is our first episode in the Russian Revolution series, which we have dubbed “Red Dawn” as we enjoy bad cinematography. The episode itself is the story of Lenin’s childhood, as we decided to split up his biography in two parts. I hope we can match Mike Duncan in quality and do this properly. As it’s one of the murkiest things in Soviet history, to be honest. Anyways, enjoy!

Ulyanov family photo. Lenin's on the bottom left.
Ulyanov family photo. Lenin’s on the bottom left.


Modified Ulyanov family photo. Added is the kid on the bottom right.
Modified Ulyanov family photo. Added is the kid on the bottom right.
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Red Dawn 1 - Meet the Ulyanovs
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.