Man of Steel 12 – Tsarytsin

Greetings, Comrades!

Turns out, doing dubbed-over interviews, that are translated as-is from Russian to English, like we set out to do with mr. Potapenko’s interview, takes a lot more time than expected. So, this time, have another Stalin episode, while we deal with the dubbing and everything. Also, there’s always time for more Stalin! Especially since this episode covers his rivalry with Trotsky, what Stalin and his gang did during the civil war, and in the end, we also talk about Latvian Red Riflemen a bit. Enjoy!

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel 12 - Tsarytsin
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.