Episode 5 – The Afghanistan War


Greetings again, comrades!
Sorry for being so late with this episode, but as you’ll hear in it, I’ve run into some issues with my life. Some of you wrote me e-mails asking me, if I’ll be making any new episodes – and yes, I will. This is Eastern Border, we love it here, and we don’t intend to stop anytime soon. Huge “thank you” to everyone who donates, writes comments, sends e-mails or just listens to our show. You’re all awesome.

Now, about this episode a bit: this one is a more serious, more emotional episode than usual. It was also a bit harder for me to make, due to having to do some quote translations on the fly, as I would have taken an eternity more, if I’d scripted everything – so, I apologize for some parts of the show, that might sound a bit worse than you would expect. Otherwise, I’m actually really happy about how this turned out, especially considering my situation – so I hope you’ll enjoy it.

The picture, for this time, is one of the infamous Zinc coffins – in which the soldiers were sent home during the Afghanistan war.

Zinc Coffins

Also, don’t forget to check out this episodes podcast recommendation – the Historical Intentions podcast, by Joseph Newton!

Edit: Also, for those who like the accent – I don’t really notice it, that’s just how I speak in English. I imagine it sounds a bit weird for you. 🙂

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Episode 5 - The Afghanistan War
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.