We’re back with a vengeance! And small land and medals, and spring. In Prague! In all seriousness, I had some serious health issues, so I wasn’t able to make the episode in time, but I promise that such things will not happen in the future. I have to add that I made a small mistake in the episode, Daugavpils is in the south-eastern part of Latvia, not in the southern part. Well, it IS in the south, but it’s also very to the east, so I should add that. To add to your listening experience, here’s a picture of what happened in Prague, 1968:

Also, this time’s recommendation is Wittenberg to Westphalia: The wars of the reformation podcast. It is awesome, and you should pay them a visit, if you care about what and when happened during the reformation in Europe. Link:Â wittenbergtowestphaliapodcast.weebly.com