Greetings, Comrades! In this episode, we talk about the Soviet side of the Space Race. It is a bit fun, a bit dark humor, a bit looking from the people side, but…it gets dark. Really, really dark. This episode includes discussing some of the most tragic deaths ever, and is definitely NOT recommended for children. It will get lighter in the future, but for now…enjoy what we can bring you. As much as you can, as the stuff becomes extremely grim, and I tried to balance it out with some fun. Also, no Alice hadn’t read the script in the info part of the show, before recording it.
Today’s pictures are:
Yuri Gararin, pre-launch, with the CCCP letters just painted on his helmet.
The photographs, showing how Bondarenko was just…deleted.
Komarov’s remains in his funeral. I seriously don’t know why they chose an open casket for this one.