All there in the manual: KGB edition.

Greetings, Comrades!

We got our hands on KGB instructional manuals, about what were their goals, how they were supposed to act and what and why did they do things that they did. But this is not a history episode. Sadly, this is a news episode, Think about it while you listen.

And here are all the links that I promise on the show, starting with the awesome Transhumanist folks that we want to support:

Paypal of the project:

Bitcoin of the project: 13XBRLQ8pQ89UQSEs6hJHu7cEX43RtV3iX

Bank acc: Arets Paeglis

IBAN: GB96REVO00997090790930


Official Contact:

Personal mail of their chairman:

Proof of them being an accepted chapter of World Transhumanist Association/Humanity+:  (look for Latvia)

And of course, our own Patreon page:

And our Discord channel:

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
All there in the manual: KGB edition.
About Curonian 6 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.