Special Episode: Fever Dreams

20/11/2017 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Special Episode: Fever Dreams

Greetings, Comrades! I’ve been really ill past week. You’ll hear that on the show. And, besides watching Stalin documentaries to fall asleep, and history of […]

Man of Steel 8 – Promotions!

11/11/2017 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel 8 - Promotions!

Greetings, Comrades! Our new Stalin ep is here again. By this time, Stalin and Exile have become comedy terms. But there are unfunny things in […]

Episode 71 – InTourist

31/10/2017 Curonian 2
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Episode 71 - InTourist

Greetings, Comrades! We bring you the latest episode of October, the one about InTourist, and the very weird experience of being a foreign tourist in […]

PSA: Adjust for trolls!

27/10/2017 Curonian 2
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
PSA: Adjust for trolls!

Greetings, Comrades! Today’s episode was made out of schedule, but it was so timely, and so urgent, that I just had to do it. Special […]

Episode 70-something: Old Believers

21/10/2017 Curonian 6
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Episode 70-something: Old Believers

Greetings, Comrades! Today, I want to give you an episode about something completely different. About one of the…strangest..communes out there. I’ve been wanting to make […]

Extra: STASI vs KGB

11/10/2017 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Extra: STASI vs KGB

Greetings, Comrades! As we’ve just returned from our vacation to Berlin, it’s due time to present this episode on STASI, the dreaded KGB analogue of […]

Man of Steel 7 – Sad Stalin, No Liberty

30/09/2017 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel 7 - Sad Stalin, No Liberty

Greetings, Comrades! Welcome to the one of the most depressive episodes I’ve ever made. Bonus points for you, if you caught the song reference in […]

Sovconomy 2 – There’s no money, but you guys, hold on!

14/09/2017 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Sovconomy 2 - There's no money, but you guys, hold on!

Greetings, Comrades! I got terribly ill – had tonsilitis in a heavy form. Basically, I was tormented with fever so I couldn’t script as well […]

Sovconomy! Part 1

06/09/2017 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Sovconomy! Part 1

Greetings, Comrades! I had two scripts prepared, one for this and one for Stalin, for this week – and this won out in the social […]

Man of Steel 6 – Tbilisi Heist

27/08/2017 Curonian 3
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Man of Steel 6 - Tbilisi Heist

Greetings, Comrades! This episode is a “fun” one, and as it contains crime, violence, descriptions of gory events, explicit language, secret marriages and conspiracies, it’s […]