Russian Economy and More ft. Andrew Heaton pt.1 (Yes, Kursk ep is coming)

Episode about events in Kursk oblast is coming very soon – it’s just that in my case, I literally am waiting until some people call me back and confirm concrete facts that I could talk about, instead of a surpirises and rumours that you’ve probaby heard everywhere else. However, I also recorded a very lengthy discussion about Russian economy with my buddy Heaton from Political Orphanage. Our discussion veered into global geopolitics, which is why I split it in two parts, about an hour long each. So, Comrades, I hope that You’ll enjoy this discussion while I’m getting the facts straight and making the news episode.

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Russian Economy and More ft. Andrew Heaton pt.1 (Yes, Kursk ep is coming)
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.