Quality Socialism, only 4.99 a piece


Greetings, Comrades! As I’m recoding my news episode  now – and that’s a difficult one – I’d like to present you our discussion with our friend Andrew Heaton from the Political Orphanage podcast and our recurring sidetracking expert, and current Mad Baron of California, Alex from History Impossible. We tried to understand what Socialism really is, what it means in the west and in my side of the planet – and in the end, why do we keep calling new phenomenon using 19th century terms and what is says about us.

Also, note that this is the first episode with our new theme song! I hope you like it, because…you know, a year in the war, it just felt wrong to keep using a Soviet army song, as kitch and ironic as it is. We’re not throwing that one away, it’s just that we have a new one, composed to us by a talented Estonian music writer Kristjan Thomas Haaristo.


News coming soon – I’m using  the fact that  Anete just finished editing this to buy me some time for a better episode!

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Quality Socialism, only 4.99 a piece
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.