Episode 17 – Curtain in Tatters

Greetings Comrades! Our episode about 1989 in the eastern bloc is out! Within: Baltic Way, interview about the Berlin Wall, soap operas, revolutions and more. As today is the largest Latvian national celebration of the year, I can’t provide more explanations right now, I have to jump over a fire, while drinking a beer! Līgo!

Pictures for today’s episode:

These are from the Baltic Way. They might seem naive and too optimistic, but…we were like this at the time. And we’re proud of it!

Fenomens-Baltijas-cels-8 - Copy





And this is one of my sources, the Soviet Youth newspaper of the November 7th, 1989.

Soviet Youth magazine

Thank you for listening, I hope you’ll enjoy the show and…await our special episode.

The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Episode 17 - Curtain in Tatters
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.