Our Merch Store!

19/05/2024 Curonian 0

Glorious news, Comrades! We now have a merch store, powered by Fourth Wall! https://theeasternborder-shop.fourthwall.com/

War in Ukraine: Episode 216

14/05/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 216

Belousov has replaced Shoigu as Russia’s minister of defense – and for some reason, western media reports this as a threatening thing for Ukraine. In […]


…so, I’ve been doing this for a decade now…

11/05/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
...so, I've been doing this for a decade now...

Eastern Border 10th anniversary episode. A bit more meta-podcast stuff than usual, but don’t worry, plenty of important news as well. Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/HCu6J5hS

War in Ukraine: Episode 215

08/05/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 215

We’re back! Putin just got inaugurated, but he’s actually just lost all legitimacy. Russia’s throwing around nuclear threats again, but at the same time Gazprom’s […]

The Soviet Who Saved the World (ft. Alex from History Impossible)

30/04/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
The Soviet Who Saved the World (ft. Alex from History Impossible)

While I was in Texas, enjoying the honeymoon I knew I had to record stuff, because the show won’t wait for me, but I did […]


Western Border 2: Baseball Boogaloo

28/04/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Western Border 2: Baseball Boogaloo

Part 2 of what we’ve learned and experienced in Texas. Don’t worry, the episode with Alex about Stanislav Petrov is incoming, and so are horrible, […]

Visiting the Political Orphanage, with Andrew Heaton

24/04/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Visiting the Political Orphanage, with Andrew Heaton

In this episode, I’m hanging out live with our friend Heaton and we discuss the war, terrorism, politics and other fun stuff that you can’t […]

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Western Border: Texas Special

23/04/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Western Border: Texas Special

Greetings, Comrades! We’re just married, in Texas, and saw NASA stuff. Back to news stuff on wednesday!

War in Ukraine: Episode 214

12/04/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 214

This is one of those episodes where I am riding the: “Okay, I was off for a few days, now I’m married, so what’s happe…oh…oh […]


Hero of all Mankind. Stanislav Petrov.

07/04/2024 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Hero of all Mankind. Stanislav Petrov.

Greetings, Comrades! I’m gettinng married in a few hours. And on this special day, I wanted to give you a bit of a throwback, Soviet […]