War in Ukraine: Episode 62

12/06/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 62

Digest about the most important war-related news – what Russia intends to do in Ukraine, how’s the fight going and new censorship laws.

War in Ukraine: Perspectives pt. 2

10/06/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Perspectives pt. 2

Greetings, Comrades! As I prepare a major important events digest, here’s parts 3 -5 of that  huge Russian soldier’s blog post that we mentioned previously […]

War in Ukraine: Famine

08/06/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Famine

Greetings, Comrades. This…is a dark episode. But a one that You should listen to. To prepare.  Drove me to a bit of existential crisis.

War in Ukraine: An Abusive Relationship

04/06/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: An Abusive Relationship

Greetings, Comrades! In this episode, I talk with a Latvian/Ukrainian pediatrician and a recent social media star and influencer, beautiful and talented Dana Isarova. We […]

War in Ukraine: Episode 58

02/06/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 58

News from the front lines! Igor Girkin is unhappy as usual, and I take a look at Russian military corruption and discuss some interesting implications […]

War in Ukraine: Russian Fascism

28/05/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Russian Fascism

Greetings, Comrades! In this episode, I take a philosophical look at how and why Putin’s Russia is objectively a fascist country. To fully grasp what’s […]

War in Ukraine: Episode 56

25/05/2022 Curonian 1
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 56

News about the war in Ukraine. In this episode, looking at the poor condition of the L/DPR soldiers and how some Russian diplomats have discovered […]

War in Ukraine: Two Perspectives

24/05/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Two Perspectives

Greetings, Comrades! In this episode, we go back to what made our show special. People’s stories. And this time, we have two, different narratives about […]

War in Ukraine: Episode 54

21/05/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 54

News update about the war in Ukraine. Igor Girkin’s comments on the controversial NYT editorial and sadly a confirmation about how the Azovstal defenders that […]

War in Ukraine: Episode 53

20/05/2022 Curonian 0
The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
War in Ukraine: Episode 53

We’re back with Igor Girkin’s analysis of the situation on the front lines, some news and future perspectives.