Extra Episode 4 – Preview of PDRP, our spin-off show.

Greetings, comrades!

This is a preview, that is the first episode, of our spin-off show, People’s Democratic Republic of Podcast that we just launched. It can be found here: http://pdrp.lv/ obviously, everything is brand new and under construction there, but we’re working. This is a podcast about the comparison of parliaments in various countries, taking a look at the inner workings of the system, important parties, history of elections, politically interesting events and, of course, controversy. Where I interview people and get to use my journalism skills and academical knowledge. It’s a spin-off that’ll come out once per month, but the episodes will be really long. Because I thought that other, popular news and politics shows aren’t cynical, gonzo and punk enough and don’t take their time about the small things. Well, I do.

If you’re interested – check this episode out, and find that show on iTunes or wherever, or that homepage and give it a listen. Oh, and enjoy!


The Eastern Border
The Eastern Border
Extra Episode 4 - Preview of PDRP, our spin-off show.
About Curonian 7 Articles
The humble creator of this podcast - living in Riga, Latvia, and trying to give you the best that I can.