Soviet Union. What has shaped current Russia and it’s government and ideologies. The government of the USSR. History of the Soviet rule. Laws, culture and everyday life of a Soviet citizen. What did they see? How did they get by? What did they go through? And what is left after the collapse of USSR?
I’m Kristaps Andrejsons. I live in Riga, Latvia, I have a master’s degree in western philosophy from the University of Latvia (and I’m working on my PhD), and this is my podcast about the politics and the history of the eastern Europe – including, but not limited to the current state of Russia, politics of the EU, history of the USSR and the region in general. Well, currently it’s about the history and the life in the Soviet Union, but we mention current political events sometimes. And make sarcastic remarks about them, remembering how we wanted to do actual political episodes a while ago. So, sit down and enjoy – we have beer, pelmenyi, and the best midsummer festivities ever!
If you want to contact us, then, feel free to send your comments/ideas to theeasternborder@gmail.com. I promise to reply as quickly as possible.
We can also be found on iTunes and Stitcher, so if you like the show, please give us nice reviews there. Sometimes I also hang out on the History Podcasts page on facebook, and we also have our own page there: https://www.facebook.com/TheEasternBorder/
If you want to follow us, our Twitter account is: @Eastern_Border
Our episodes also come out on Youtube:
And, as we are also a part of the Dark Myths collective, don’t forget to check out http://darkmyths.org/ for more awesome, dark podcasts by very talented people!
If you want to hear me talk about what this all is about, here’s our intro:
Note: This is from the very beginning of our show….I’ve gotten better over time, and definitely will re-record the intro some time in the future.
P.S. If you want to support us, feel free to use the donate button in the sidebar or support us in Patreon.
Also, according to one of our listeners, we’re obviously a CIA-funded, pro-American, propaganda spewing machine that hates Jesus and wants to destroy Russia. But as Latvia shall be conquered soon anyways, it doesn’t matter, because we’ll get shot then. We wear this as a sign of pride now.